Networking is all about sharing, giving, and helping. It has nothing to do with selling something, although some think that’s what it is. It’s about building trust and building relationships with others. Networking is getting to know a person and how you can help them personally or professionally. There may not be an opportunity to do work together, but you might be able to refer them work, or vice versa. Networking is about educating yourself and learning about what others do.
Networking (used as a verb) is an action we all do almost every day, whether we realize it or not. When you interact with someone, you are building or strengthening your network (noun). Through networking you can increase your knowledge on a subject and your marketplace. Networking can be easy for some (extroverts) and difficult for others (introverts). Both types of people can be very effective networkers, though.
Extroverts will talk to many people when they enter a room. Typically, they take charge of the room and are the life of the party. They can carry on a conversation for hours and make people feel comfortable. Extroverts often talk before they think, which can occasionally get them into trouble. They also have more connections than introverts, but those connections may not be as deep. Extroverts get their energy from others.
Introverts are better listeners and ask better, open-ended questions. They dislike small talk. They would rather be alone or with a small group of people they know as opposed to a room full of people they don’t know. Introverts are described as quiet, reserved, or mellow, but they are just thinking before they speak and choosing their words wisely. They don’t like change or adventure. Too much stimulation makes them feel distracted. Introverts get their energy from being alone.
Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, networking is an important part of your life. Networking can get you your next job or help with a promotion. Networking allows you to meet YOUR kind of people. Networking can help you find a service provider for your home. Whether it’s in your personal or professional life, your network will help you somehow.
When I was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, every year they would hold an annual meeting. The meeting usually had 1,500 attendees, so I knew it was going to be impossible to talk to everyone there. But my strategy wasn’t to see everyone there — it was to see the “right” people. I would stand in the lobby as the unofficial welcoming committee, so I could say hello to all my connections and they could see me. Many times this resulted in a follow-up meeting or coffee.
If you’re an introvert, the story I just told probably made you crawl under a rock. I’ve got introverted friends, so I understand your pain. You don’t want to put yourself out there and strike up conversations with everyone, but you still need to meet people and build a network. For this reason, attending events can be challenging, but never fear — I have a solution for you! Volunteer to work the registration table, so you can check people in. This way you are getting to know people’s names and faces. You are building your network in another way that an extrovert wouldn’t.
Regardless of your personality type, networking is about sharing, giving, and helping. It’s about building trust and building relationships with others. Everyone has their own unique way of making connections. It’s getting to know others through inquisitive questions and curiosity. Don’t wait any longer — start building your network today.
nu marketing provides strategic marketing services for the design and construction industry. Lindsay Young, Chief Difference Maker of nu marketing, offers networking training and presentations for your company or association. Give us a call today to book your consultation at 316.680.3097 or email us at [email protected].